
boy with itchy eyes

Is air pollution effecting your eyes?

While spring is just around the corner and most people are excited about the warmer weather, with it comes allergens and an increase in red, watery eyes. This is particularly true for those who live in cities. If you live in a bigger city, there’s a chance pollution is impacting your eye health. The most […]

ocular disease

Ocular Disease and Driving

Ocular disease affects more than your eyes – it can affect your quality of life. The term ocular disease is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of diseases that impact vision. These include macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. There are also a wide variety of other diseases, however, the aforementioned are the […]

Kid’s Vision And Learning

Over the years it’s become clear that children sometimes exhibit difficulties in the classroom that are caused by vision problems. Previously many of these same concerns have been passed off as ‘an overactive child’ or merely the child being a ‘poor student’, when in fact their attention problems are related to vision problems. Following is […]