
What is Keratoconus?

When we’re on the way to see our optometrist most of us aren’t expecting anything more complicated than an updated prescription and a bill for a new set of glasses (with anti-scratch coatings and transition lenses, of course). Optometrists are fully fledged doctors who actually diagnose and treat a variety of health issues related to […]

Common Eye Allergens

With Spring rolling in some people are getting filled with a sense of impending dread caused by the arrival of allergy season. Every year millions of people are affected by eye allergies that cause redness, watering eyes, and itching as a result of nasal and eye allergies. If you dread the arrival of this time […]

The Dangers Associated With Rubbing Your Eyes

We know that rubbing your eyes can be a relaxing and therapeutic feeling experience, and most of us think this habit is relatively harmless. From being weary after staring at the screen for a long time to suffering from the common cold or hay fever it seems to have a soothing effect. This rubbing stimulates […]