What is an Optomap?

What is Optomap?
An optomap is a new technology which allows Dr. Paul Trapeni Jr. at The Optical Shoppe to give patients more accurate eye exams with no pain or inconvenience. Older technologies only allowed a small part of the retina to be examined easily. Most eye exams focus on the front of the eye but the optomap allows Dr. Trapeni to detect more problems because it gives him an ultra-widefield view of the retina. He can view more than 80 percent of the retina. A laser scanner creates an image Dr. Trapeni can save so it will be part of every patient’s record and he can monitor problems by keeping track of these images.
Why is this important?
Vision is the most important sense to many people and protecting the eyes is important. Unfortunately, most changes that occur which indicate problems are hard to see at first. If it is possible to see changes as they happen, it is more likely that problems can be stopped or minimized. Besides eye diseases, retinal scans can also communicate other potential diseases such as stroke, heart attack, or diabetes. Regular annual eye exams will allow Dr. Trapeni to evaluate accurately and frequently.
What to expect
Other methods of eye examination are less convenient and comfortable which require the patient to stay still longer. The patient’s eyes will not need to be dilated with optomap and the scan itself only lasts seconds. While the patient spends less time in the examination, Dr. Trapeni Jr. will have more time to spend examining the image.
Don’t settle for less
Everyone who chooses Paul Trapeni Jr., OD as their Smyrna optometrist, can rely on him to watch and keep track of any changes that occur in their records. Dr. Trapeni is experienced in using optomap to achieve better results for his patients. Anyone who lives in or around Smyrna, TN, should choose an optometrist who can offer a higher standard of care.

Dr. Paul D. Trapeni JrAt The Optical Shoppe, we're dedicated to optometry excellence under the guidance of Dr. Paul D Trapeni. Serving the Smyrna community since 1989, Dr. Trapeni is a trusted member of the community, bringing general and specialized optometry care to individuals and families throughout the area.